Chandelier Curly Lamp Gold 240514-230139"

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Magic of light:
Crafted with spellbinding symmetry, this chandelier features sleek golden loops suspended as if by magic, casting an enchanting glow that seems borrowed from a starlit night. Each loop, a circle within a rectangle, conjures a feeling of boundless elegance and contemporary charm. The keeper of such a splendid fixture will not only bask in the soft, luminous light that it provides but also in the refinement and style it adds to any room, making it a beacon of sophistication that enchants all who gaze upon it. The chandelier’s minimalistic yet striking design promises to bewitch the senses and illuminate spaces with a warm, inviting aura."

Frame material
Acrylic + Metal

LED lamp power

Frame color

Lampshade color

Additional information:
minimum hanging height - 40 cm

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