Chandelier Lossie Led Lamp 240514-229838"

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Magic of light:
This chandelier, with its celestial rings of light, seems to whisper of ancient magic and modern mystery, floating ethereally above. Its soft luminescence casts an enchanting glow, reminiscent of moonlit enchantments and whispered secrets of the night sky. Crafted to blend seamlessly into spaces of slumber and dreams, it promises to furnish its keeper with a serenity rare in the bustling muggle world. This keeper shall find comfort under its gentle light, which not only illuminates paths in the dark but also wards off the gloom, creating havens of peaceful retreat amidst the chaos of the everyday."

**Specifications**\nDiameter \n**50**\nFrame Material\n**acrylic + metal**\nLED Lamp power\n**25**\nLamp Type\n**LED**\nFrame Color\n**white**\nShade Color\n**matte white**\nHeight\n**6**\nShade Material\n**acrylic + metal**\n**Additional information:**\ndiameter - **50** cm\nheight - **6** cm"

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