Chandelier Olimpic Pipe 240514-230143"

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Magic of light:
Suspended delicately from the ceiling, the chandelier casts a light evocative of a wizard's wand tracing luminescent runes in the night sky. Its seamless, looping design resembles an eternal, glowing lemniscate that appears to harness the very essence of perpetual light and grace. This radiant artifact, neither brash nor overwhelming, fills the room with a warm, enchanting aura, making it the perfect sanctum for either a peaceful retreat or a heartfelt gathering. The keeper of this chandelier shall undoubtedly preside over many an enchanted evening, basked in the soft embrace of its light, fostering an atmosphere of serenity and understated elegance."

**Specification**\nDiameter\n**150**\nFrame material\n**acrylic + metal**\nLED lamp power\n**100**\nLamp type\n**LED**\nFrame color\n**bronze**\nShade color\n**white**\nShade material\n**acrylic**\n**Additional information:**\nminimum hanging height - **40** cm"

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