Ceiling Chandelier More Lamp 240514-229755


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Magic of light:
Enveloped in an elegant aura of sophisticated charm, this chandelier casts a warm and inviting glow over any chamber it graces. Its broad hat-like shade, reminiscent of a magical artifact, is woven in deep, velvety black with an interior that radiates a golden hue, illuminating the darkest of corners with a soft, enchanting light. It bestows upon its keeper not only the practical boon of ample luminance but also an air of mystery and modernity, making it a centerpiece that whispers tales of mystique and contemporary glamour. Thus, the guardian of such a treasure enjoys the dual advantages of functional illumination and a refined aesthetic that elevates any room’s ambiance."

\nMaterial of the frame
\n**acrylic + metal**
\nPower of LED lamps
\nType of lamps
\nColor of the frame
\n**black + beige**
\nColor of the shade
\n**black + beige**
\n**Additional information:**
\nheight - **15** cm
\ndiameter - **50** cm

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